Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

In the Movies

The Mut Arts title background was really fun to put together, especially the movie section: it was created from movie posters of some of my favorites, and what I think are must see movies. I'll be talking about them in the coming days, but for now, just see if you can find some of the ones that are near and dear to you...if any! I already have some that should be on there that are missing...Fargo is did I miss that one?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Scented Moment

Home is a coming to place.
Wherever you've gone,
on your way back, you have a place to come to.
Not go to.
Come to.
While out in the world
you go here
you go there
often times
in the midst of it all
you need to stop going
just come home...
if only
for a soft,
scented moment.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Get Kicked in the Teeth..And Like It!

If you haven't seen Gran Tarino you must stop all that you are doing, or planning to do, and go see it. If you even just appreciate Clint Easwood as a working actor, get off your hump, and go see this movie. If you have ever burned in your soul about how young punks have no respect for anything in society, leave now and go see this movie. If you haven't called your parents lately, or asked them about the life they have had that you don't care to know about, leave your selfish butt at home and take what dignity is left and see this movie. If you aren't a racist, if you are a racist, go see this movie. If you love what America should be when you clean and tear away all the muck, go see this movie.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Waltz With Bashir

Talk of the 2009 movie award season. Up for Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. Story about an Israeli soldier looking for answers about one of his missions as a soldier. Reminds me a lot of the 1970's Lord of the Rings...they tried to mix animation with live action...some said it didn't work, I thought it was cool! I believe this movie is all animation, but you can tell by the screen shot that it could be quite surreal. If you've seen it, or go see it, tell me what you think.


just thought
i would
write something
on impulse
in all
.case letters

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Word Art

If you like words and you like art, then a pretty cool site to go to is

Just paste some text from one of your poems, stories, lectures, blog ;), and watch the magic happen. It will pull the words into a collage of sorts and make the words you use the most the biggest and the words you use the least the smallest. You can modify the colors and shapes as well. Interesting and sometimes cathartic, wordle is worth the visit.